CLTB Foundation

Cale’s Journey Towards Independence and Safety

A man in a wheelchair is looking to the left side and pressing a red button.

Cale Krasniuk was facing mobility challenges in his own home. Before The Foundation stepped in, Cale’s mother had to help him get around the house – a clear hindrance to his independence.

Thanks to generous funding, we were able to install a lift in Cale’s home, marking a significant turning point in Cale’s life. The lift brought about an incredible change, paving the way for Cale’s enhanced mobility and independence.

Recognizing the importance of a safe and secure living environment for Cale, The Foundation provided additional funding that was used for tree removal, an electronic monitoring system, and fire doors. These measures were installed to ensure Cale’s utmost safety at home.

Cale’s journey is one of many that illustrate what can be accomplished with your support. When you contribute to The Foundation, you empower individuals like Cale to lead safer, more independent lives.

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