Grant Requests Please complete this form and we will get in touch with you. Your Name * Email * Phone Number * Address * Alternative contact information: Your Name Email Phone Number What are you requesting? * Provide a brief background of the person and the specific reason for this grant request: * Describe your need and how this funding will address that need? * What outcomes and results do you hope to achieve with this funding? * Total Budget:* Amount Requesting: * Have you sought out any other sources of funding? Please provide documentation of your requests and responses with your application: * Attach budget and/or quotes. * Most recent audited statement (organization) One letter of reference (person or organization) NOTE:Please be advised that our board reviews grant applications during the following periods: April (last week) August (last week) December (before Christmas) You will be notified of the board’s decision following the review period. Thank you for your patience and for your commitment to our community.