CLTB Foundation

Dawn’s Journey to Comfort and Safety

Woman in a wheelchair next to a comfort and safety bed

Dawn Hamilton is a resilient individual living with cerebral palsy that requires 24 hours of care. She uses a power wheelchair and a communication device to navigate her world. The challenges she faced with an old, damaged mattress and an inadequate bed were impacting her daily life.

Her previous bed, too small and unreliable, posed serious safety concerns. Dawn’s staff had to prop her up using their bodies due to the absence of railings. The brakes were faulty, and spare parts were unavailable for repairs. The situation became critical when Dawn fell out of bed due to a broken side rail, leading to staff injuries.

Over the next months we put together my request and awaited reply. When the Foundation contacted us I was elated! I was approved!!! I almost couldn't believe it was real! I have my new AMAZING bed now
Woman in a wheelchair next to a comfort and safety bed
Dawn Hamilton
Recipient of our funding program

Recognizing the urgent need for intervention, The Foundation, supported by generous donors, stepped in to transform Dawn’s living conditions. With the aid of your contributions, Dawn now enjoys a new, size-appropriate bed, and a specialized air mattress, equipped with functioning safety features, ensuring her comfort and minimizing risks.

Dawn’s story echoes the transformative impact of your support. By rallying behind The Foundation, you enable individuals like Dawn to lead safer, more dignified lives. Your generosity brings comfort, safety, and the promise of a brighter future to those facing challenges due to developmental disabilities. Dawn’s journey is a testament to the profound change that compassionate contributions can achieve.

Woman in a wheelchair next to a comfort and safety bed

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